The Cycle

When US Airways Flight 1549 went down, the first to report the accident were not major news networks or publications, but instead witnesses on Twitter. The user twittered, “There’s a plane in the Hudson. I’m on the ferry going to pick up the people. Crazy.” He even added an image. Almost a day later, Twitter users are continuing to post photographs and comments about the incident, alongside twittering media outlets, like The Huffington Post and WBEZ Chicago Public Radio, who are seeking to add to the conversation with updates (and emphasize their relevance).

Shortly, after the crash, the new account was opened, and it seemed the airline made its first step to twitter. The directed readers to for updates on the breaking situation. Also, the account followed up with posts providing information for family members of passengers and expressing gratitude for the professionalism of pilots.

Now, the questions seem to be how the new user usairways will seek to leverage its network of interested followers in the future. And, how traditional media outlets will insert themselves into real-time reporting mechanisms, like Twitter, to keep abreast of breaking news.

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