The Cycle

For those still scratching their heads on how to use Twitter for PR, here’s an example. Brian Solis, principal at FutureWorks PR, recently launched @ on Twitter. The way it works is when journalists need a source, they can post what they’re looking for @micropr. Then PR folks who follow the feed can reply in real-time. The account has more than 2,800 followers.

“There have been a few instances when PR people have pitched @microPR,” Solis told PRWeek. “They don’t realize they are pitching other PR people. So it requires some moderating.”

For those eager to pitch, Solis says he plans to launch another feed that allows PR folks to pitch. “We want to create more meaningful conversations than just what you had for lunch,” Solis noted.

Twitter is also providing new outlets for people to vent about the industry. Recently PR Faillaunched on and to collect examples of bad PR. The Tweets are identified by marking them #prfail. A Tweet on December 12 noted, “some PR colleagues have voiced concerns over #prfail. should there be a #prwin tag?”

Does the industry need a #prwin? Your thoughts?

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